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Stakeholder Workshop Summaries




Groundwater Management Vision

Held Wednesday, September 23, 2020 • 3:00pm-5:00pm via Zoom Meetings

In this virtual workshop, attendees helped create a shared vision for what a “sustainable Bear Valley Basin” means. To inform the interactive exercise, the project team gave an overview of the purpose of the Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) and the requirements of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) in easy-to-understand terms. Next, they summarized key takeaways of the Basin Setting work completed to date, which describes the Basin’s unique geological makeup, historical groundwater use, potential challenges associated with groundwater management, and anticipated future groundwater use in the Basin. Further, they described the historical and current Water Budget. Stakeholder input documented in this workshop will be used to develop the guiding principles for the GSP and the Basin sustainability goal. 

Bear Valley Basin GSP Workshop #1: Groundwater Management Vision (Part 1)a
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Bear Valley Basin GSP, Workshop #1: Groundwater Management Vision (Part 2)
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Sustainable Goal Setting

Held Wednesday, December 2, 2020 • 3:00pm-5:00pm via Zoom Meetings

In this virtual workshop, attendees weighed in to further inform the preliminary set of sustainability goals for the Basin. To inform the interactive exercises, the project team recapped the outcomes of Workshop #1, namely the Guiding Principles for the Basin. Next, they described the relevant requirements of SGMA, including the role of Sustainable Management Criteria, representative wells, minimum thresholds, measurable objectives. Stakeholder input documented in this workshop will inform relevant draft chapters of the GSP while also informing the third and final workshop. 


Bear Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Plan

Final document approved by Bear Valley Basin GSA on June 21, 2022.



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Sustainable Goal and Plan Implementation

Held Thursday, October 21, 2021 • 10:00am-12:00pm via Zoom Meetings 

In this virtual workshop, stakeholders will discuss sustainable management goals, plan implementation steps and review the schedule to completion. To project team will recap (A) guiding principles stakeholders helped develop from Workshop #1, (B) the Basin Sustainability Goals, representative wells, sustainable management criteria, minimum thresholds and measurable objectives drafted following workshop #2, and (C) the criteria for projects and management actions that were captured in Workshop #2. Activities will surface considerations for distributing project costs equitably, and an implementation plan that keeps the approach flexible and on track. A workshop recording and a public-facing summary of stakeholder input will be published to the GSA website following the workshop.

Providing sustainable management of groundwater in the Bear Valley Basin.
Telephone: 909.866.5050 • CONTACT US
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© 2020 by Bear Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency

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